Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Take Charge of Your Energy Usage

Do you own real estate in Ontario or thinking about buying a house or selling a house. The Ontario Energy Board wants you to know more about your rights and responsibilities as an energy consumer. Being well-informed can help you make the right energy decisions for you and your family or small business. If you're thinking about switching who supplies your energy by signing a retail energy contract, here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

•             You have options. Take the time to understand your options and compare the price your utility offers with what the retail supplier is offering.

•             People representing energy retailers are required to present proper identification that displays their photograph, name, and the company they represent.

•             You don't have to show a sales agent your energy bill. Treat it like a credit card - keep it confidential until you're ready to sign a contract.

•             If you sign a contract with an energy retailer and change your mind, you have 10 days to cancel the contract. If you cancel the contract after that time, you may have to pay a cancellation fee.

As a home owner, thinking to buy a bigger house, or buying a home and selling a home period, read about the information that can help you. Real estate in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area is expensive anyways compared to some of the other areas in Ontario. It would help to minimize the cost as much as you can.

For more information about energy pricing and energy contracts, please visit the Board's website at

The Ontario Energy Board regulates Ontario's electricity and natural gas sectors in the public interest.

Jagdeep Singh, B. Arch.

Real Estate Broker


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